Home improvement

Should You Install Doors Before or After Flooring

An introduction to Install Doors Before or After Flooring:

If you are considering remodelling your home, an important option is whether you should install doors before or after flooring. Each method has its unique benefits and drawbacks. In this post, we’ll explore the advantages of each method and the cons of each approach to help you to make an educated decision regarding your work.

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When to Install Door Before Flooring:

When to Install Doors Before Flooring | Install pre-hung doors before or after flooring
Install pre-hung doors before or after flooring

New construction or remodeling projects: If you’re starting at the beginning or doing extensive remodels, installing doors before flooring is generally advised. This allows for a smoother installation process and ensures flooring will be protected from damages caused by the subsequent door installation.

The need for precision fit: Installing doors before the flooring is a good idea to get a precise fit between the doors and the flooring. This is especially important when using heavy or high-pile flooring material, like luxurious carpets or heavy hardwood, because they could alter the width and function of the doors.

The aesthetic and design aspects: If you’d like to see how your doors will look when paired with your selected flooring, installing doors before flooring allows you to make an informed decision regarding colour coordination design, style, and overall harmony of design. This allows you to adjust your door frames and make the required adjustments to ensure an attractive and visually appealing outcome.

When to Install Door After Flooring:

Repair or replacement of flooring: If you’re renovating or repairing your flooring within an existing room, It is usually preferable to install doors after flooring. This will eliminate the need to remove and replace the doors, which can disrupt while making time.

The finalizing of flooring options: If you need more clarification on the flooring style or material and would like to check out how it would look finally look before committing to doors, It is recommended that you install the flooring initially. The process allows you to evaluate the floor’s texture, appearance and colours and help you better select the best doors to fit your home.

The height of the flooring adjustments: When the flooring installation could require adjustments in levels or height of the floor, It is usually recommended to install doors after flooring. This helps ensure that the doors are properly fitted since any change in floor elevation could affect the design and function of the doors.

Pros and Cons of Installing Door Before Flooring:

Pros and Cons of Installing Doors Before Flooring | Do you install doors before flooring
Do you install doors before flooring

Pros of Installing Doors Before Flooring:

Security for flooring: If you are installing doors before flooring, you can protect your flooring from damage that could occur in the door installation process. This is crucial if you’re working with fragile or fragile flooring products like natural wood engineered wood, natural hardwood, or tiles. With the installation of doors first, you can ensure that no massive equipment, tools, or accidents could compromise the integrity and durability of your flooring.

Perfect fitting: Installation of doors before flooring allows for greater accuracy when installing the doors. The doors can be fitted with the appropriate adjustments on the door frames and hinges or handle to fit the width of the flooring. It ensures that the doors can open and close quickly without any obstacles caused by the flooring. Making sure that the doors are a precise fit ensures proper functionality and enhances the room’s aesthetics.

Visual coordination: If you are installing doors ahead of flooring, You can see how the doors appear alongside the selected flooring. This helps you make educated choices about the room’s style, colour and overall style harmony. The ability to see the doors placed in the same place as the flooring allows the homeowner to make any needed adjustments or modifications to get your desired look.

Cons of Installing Doors Before Flooring:

Removal of doors during flooring installation: One significant disadvantage of installing doors before flooring could be the need to uninstall the doors in the installation process. This could be time-consuming and disruptive, particularly when your home has many doors. This involves removing and installing doors, requires more work, and can cause damage to the doors and the surrounding area.

The challenges of leveling flooring: If your flooring needs to be levelled or the subfloors are uneven, installing doors before flooring may create a hurdle. The flooring installation process could alter the height of the floor, which could cause issues with alignment when paired with pre-installed doors. Ensuring the floor is level before starting this procedure is vital because uneven floors could cause door malfunctions and misalignments.

Pros and Cons of Installing Doors After Flooring:

Pros and Cons of Installing Doors After Flooring | Install door before or after flooring
Install door before or after flooring

Pros of Installing Doors After Flooring:

Final flooring assessment: If you are installing doors after flooring, you’ll be able to look at the final look of the flooring before making a decision about doors. The process allows you to evaluate how the flooring’s colours, textures, and overall look will complement the room. This helps you choose doors that best complement your aesthetic appeal in the space and will result in the most pleasing and harmonious outcome.

Flexible flooring replacement: The installation of doors after the flooring can be rearranged to replace the flooring if the flooring requires replacement or fixed shortly. The hassle of taking off and installing the doors saves time and energy. This will simplify any future flooring project because you can repair or replace the flooring without disrupting or damaging the doors.

Cons of Installing Doors After Flooring:

The risk for flooring damages: A disadvantage of installing doors immediately after installing flooring is the higher possibility of causing damage to the freshly put-in flooring throughout the door installation process. If you don’t take proper security measures, handling doors and the hardware they come with could cause accidental scratches, damage or scratches to the flooring. It is crucial to ensure that you take the appropriate precautions, for example, using a protective cover or being extremely cautious throughout your installation process, to avoid any damage to the flooring.

Problems with door installation: Installation of doors following the flooring installation can make it challenging to ensure a proper installation around the flooring. Adjustments to the door frames or hinges could be necessary when the flooring elevates the floor above the floor. If you don’t perform, these adjustments could lead to doors that don’t shut well or display spaces between the doors. Ensuring a precise fit may require additional time and effort in installation. Installation process.


Deciding whether you should install doors before or after the flooring is a careful evaluation of the advantages and cons of each option. Although installing doors before flooring allows greater security of flooring and more accessible adjustments, it could also result in some inconveniences of removing doors during installation. However, installing doors after flooring can be beneficial in imagining the final look and avoiding future door removal. But it is also a chance that the flooring will be damaged flooring as well as potential issues with fitting.

In the end, deciding between the two approaches is contingent on the particular circumstances of the project as well as your personal preference for each. Consultation with a professional and analyzing the condition of your flooring and doors will help you make the most appropriate choice to ensure the most successful renovation of your home.


Will installing doors before flooring result in a better overall finish?

Installation of doors before flooring could provide a superior appearance as it allows an exact fitting and helps protect flooring in the door installation process. The final appearance is contingent on a variety of elements, like the installer’s skills and the quality of the materials utilized.

Can I install doors after flooring if the flooring is already in place?

Installing doors after the flooring is feasible, regardless of whether the flooring is set. But, it may require additional adjustments to ensure proper fit and functionality. It is suggested to speak with experts for the best method to take in these situations.

How long does it take to remove and reinstall doors when installing flooring?

The amount of time needed to remove and replace doors when installing flooring can vary depending on the number of doors and the extent involved in the installation. The time can vary from a few hours to one or two days. It is essential to prepare for this and consider the possibility of disruptions in the process.

Can I change my flooring without removing the doors?

Most of the time, it’s only feasible to switch flooring with taking outdoors. Doors, particularly when the new flooring comes in a different width or needs adjustments in the subfloor. Removal of the doors allows the proper installation and guarantees smooth transitions between flooring and door frames.

Is hiring a professional to install doors before or after flooring necessary?

Although it’s possible to install doors before or following flooring for a DIY job, hiring a professional is generally recommended, particularly if you need to gain experience or experience in carpentry or flooring installation. The professionals have the required expertise and equipment to ensure an exact fit, avoid damage and produce the results you want.

Muhmmad Zaheer Abbas

Muhammad Zaheer Abbas is a renowned expert in the home and garden niche, combining his academic background in Landscape Architecture with hands-on experience. His writing, marked by an informative yet engaging style, offers practical and creative insights into transforming living spaces. Muhammad is not just a writer but an active community member, sharing his expertise through various platforms, including his well-followed blog and social media channels. Whether it's offering sustainable gardening tips, DIY home improvement ideas, or innovative landscape designs, Muhammad's work is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to beautify their home and garden.

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